Quick Start

Here is quick start instructions for easy going

Get your API keys

Your API requests are authenticated using API keys. Any request that doesn't include an API key will return an error.

You can generate an API key from your Dashboard at any time.

Prepare your media

Make your media available for Enhancement. Use your own cloud storage provider or any other service to provide publicly available audio/video file which can be accessed.

Make a Enhancement request

The Start Enhancing file requires a input file_url which can be downloaded. additional parameters that can be used to customise the results based on the type of content and preferences

curl -X POST "https://ai.decrackle.io/api/v1/audiaize/unify/" \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --header "X-API-KEY: YourAPIKey" \
     --data '{
          "file_url": "https://example.com/path/to/your/audiofile.wav",
          "dereverb": false,
          "enhancement": true,
          "dewind": true,
          "dechimes": true,
          "perform_transcription": true,
          "perform_sentimental_analysis": true,
          "perform_actionable": true,
          "perform_summary": true          

Modify the boolean values as per your requirement

The JSON response will include a unique id(job id) that you'll need to use to check on the status of the process.

    "id": 101,
    "file_url": "https://example.com/path/to/your/audiofile.wav",
    "dereverb": false,
    "enhancement": true,
    "dewind": true,
    "dechimes": true,
    "perform_transcription": true,
    "perform_sentimental_analysis": true,
    "perform_actionable": true,
    "perform_summary": true
    "status": "started"

Check the job status

It will take a few moments for the API to enhance your file. You'll need to check the status of the job. For this GET /api/v1/audiaize/unifiy/{id}/status request you'll need to use the job id returned from the previous step. In these examples, it is specified as an variable that you'll need to set or replace in the code samples.

curl -X GET "https://ai.decrackle.io/api/v1/audiaize/unify/{id}/status" \
     --header "X-API-KEY: YourAPIKey"

While the job is still in progress, you will be able to see the status value is returned.

    "id": 101,
    "status": "running"

Retrieve Output.

Once media processing is complete you can request the GET /api/v1/audiaize/unifiy/{id} to get your results

curl -X GET "https://ai.decrackle.io/api/v1/audiaize/unify/{id}" \
     --header "X-API-KEY: YourAPIKey"

For Response and further details refer API reference.

Last updated